Jeffrey Jordan, Michael Jordan's 32-year-old son, is accused of assaulting staff at a hospital in Arizona Friday night, where he was being treated for a head injury he sustained in a bar.

According to police, Jeffrey "fell and hit his head,"at the Casa Amigos bar in Scottsdale. Witnesses and law officials state Jordan then became combative with security who were attempting to escort him out of the bar to receive medical attention.
In the area for an unrelated call was Scottsdale PD, who were summoned to assist in the matter. Cops interviewed bar staff, and eventually deemed the incident "medical in nature," not criminal. An ambulance was called to transport JJ to a hospital.
Things allegedly took a turn when Jeffrey Jordan arrived at the local hospital. He is accused of assaulting staff while being treated for the injury he sustained at the bar. A report for aggravated assault, a felony, was taken at the hospital.

As for Jeffrey's side, TMZ has a source that states he was confused and disoriented following the fall. Jordan was NOT arrested or charged with a crime. As of this morning, he still remains in the hospital.
Police tell us the relevant reports will be sent to the Maricopa County Prosecutors Office, where they will review the case and determine if charges are warranted.
A Few Quick Facts About Jeffrey Jordan

Jeffrey is 6'1" and is Michael Jordan's oldest son. He played college basketball at the University of Illinois, before transferring to the University of Central Florida in 2010. He played 107 college basketball games over his career, averaging about 2 points a game.
Jeffrey now works at Nike's Jordan Brand. Jeffrey and his brother Marcus are the co-founders of Heir Jordan, a philanthropic foundation.
Let's keep Jeffrey Jordan and his family lifted in prayer and let's specifically send healing energies to Jeffrey as is still being treated for his head injury following the slip + fall.
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